Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Goin' Cuckoo


Thersites said...

Those nose rings are appalling. ;p

nicrap said...

Lol. Who asked you to post it then? ;)

How are you, my friend?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

You know me, I can't resist the "strange and unusual"...

And I'm doing okay... just counting down the next four years to "retirement". My blogging has pretty much lost it's focus, as I'm no longer keeping up all my "sites" with the regularity I once sustained. Instead, I've been "binge watching Netflix television series. I just finished watching "Ozarks" last week and have started on "Breaking Bad".

I also have a friend who's writing a trilogy of fictional novels with whom I've been having some great conversations and trying to offer constructive critical input. His first book was a bit "shaky" as to its' timeline, but his second and third efforts in the series have progressively gotten better. He's hoping to publish the first book in another month or so... it's in the Japanese historical fiction genre (but in the second book draws parallels to many Western issues, like the drug war). The third is by far the best, as it remains well within it's traditional historical context (14th -15th century leading up to the Edo Period). I'll let you know when he self-publishes on Amazon.

Hope all's well with you! Keep writing!