Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Head in the Clouds....


Jen said...

FJ I wish I had the energy to talk to you. I just read some old posts on your Joey blog and I think I have lost a multitude of brain cells over the years. Either that, or I was just an excellent bullshitter back then.

Or maybe both.

Inspector AIPac said...

Yes, I re-read comments now and again and ask myself, "What planet was I on?"

I many times can't even recover the string of thought that sent me down the path I followed...

I'm definitely a "moody", if not sometimes irrational, correspondent.

But I've ALWAYS enjoyed our conversations, and likely always will. You've been a good friend! Thanks for that!

Unknown said...

But I've ALWAYS enjoyed our conversations, and likely always will. You've been a good friend! Thanks for that!

I can say the same right back atcha!
I wonder how many people have friends over this long of a time that they've never met? I used to think I would meet you and Z, and maybe Elbro one day. Who knows.

Unknown said...

that was me, jen, obviously. i don't know why it won't show my avatar.

Titan Uranus 2 said...

I don't know why it's not showing your avatar/name...

And it would be nice to meet in person, but I doubt that the experience would surpass the ideal. What we don't know about each other, and reality, we fill in with our own fantasies and desires. And it would be difficult to compete with that "filled out" ideal. You'd have to suffer all the lapses, ridiculous unscreened, unfiltered thoughts that I often blurt out without prior consideration and subsequent editing.... but perhaps there's something to be said for that as well. As you said, "Who knows.".... ;)

Titan Uranus 2 said...

...I could still win the Lotto and then you would ALL be invited for a train trip across norther Russia. Then nicrap could write a new best-seller, "Murder in the Great White North"... ;)

Unknown said...

You'd have to suffer all the lapses, ridiculous unscreened, unfiltered thoughts that I often blurt out without prior consideration and subsequent editing..

Exactly. that's precisely why i think it's good to dismantle fantasies. :-)
i'd rather accept reality on reality's terms. call it a lesson learned.

because honestly, if there's a real desire for goodness there, it will be even better. (does that sentence make sense? it's late and i'm having a hard time word finding.)

Unknown said...

But don't worry one bit! I have no plans of imposing myself. :-)

the topic of fantasy is an interesting one.

Inspector AIPac said...

No worries. There are lots of reasons not to play around with fantasies/ desires... :)