Saturday, May 19, 2018

Media Induced Hypnosis...

...invites didacticism


Jen said...

Yes it does, and it's irritating.
There's even a difference between making art that reflects one's inner experience (of hopelessness about our world, etc), and how we should be ashamed and change our ways to fix our broken world.

One trusts that the viewer will take from it what they need.
The other assumes the viewer is too stupid to think for themselves.

But I can understand Amanda Palmer's good intentions. I just don't think it's as successful as she would like it to be.

Beantown AntiFacist said...

If it turns someone off (they tune out), it's unsuccessful art.

Jen said...

Well, that particular video is unsuccessful in my opinion.
Amanda Palmer runs about 50/50 with me.

Bowie, on the other hand....

(I blame you for my current Bowie obsession! ;-)

For me, sometimes the artist is more interesting than the art.

Thersites said...

I'm reading ;Foucault's"Archeology of Knowldge." He argues that the artistauthor should "disappear", much as he has in the "scientific" discourse... that psychology should not be Freudian/Jungian/Lacanian/etc... but a single discourse. I'm not so sure. It becomes too "certain" and "arrogant"...leaving no room for societies to recover from "the Fall"... no means of affixing responsibility for it. How can we survive expulsion from the Garden if we there are no "alternative" choices, means and reasons to do things differently? Perhaps he'll get to that. We'll see.