Thursday, December 24, 2015

Merry Christmas Nicrap & Jen!

So stick up ivy and the bays,
And then restore the heathen ways.

Green will remind you of the spring,
Though this great day denies the thing.

And mortifies the earth and all
But your wild revels, and loose hall.

Could you wear flowers, and roses strow
Blushing upon your breasts’ warm snow,
That very dress your lightness will
Rebuke, and wither at the ill.

The brightness of this day we owe
Not unto music, masque, nor show:
Nor gallant furniture, nor plate;
But to the manger’s mean estate.

His life while here, as well as birth,
Was but a check to pomp and mirth;
And all man’s greatness you may see
Condemned by His humility.

Then leave your open house and noise,
To welcome Him with holy joys,
And the poor shepherd’s watchfulness:
Whom light and hymns from heaven did bless.

What you abound with, cast abroad
To those that want, and ease your load.
Who empties thus, will bring more in;
But riot is both loss and sin.

Dress finely what comes not in sight,
And then you keep your Christmas right.
- Henry Vaughan, "The True Christmas" (1678)


Jen said...

CUTE VIDEO!! heh. Reminds me of my kids. :p

Thanks for the beautiful poem, FJ. I love being reminded how simple this thing really is. Simply hard to grasp, but simple nonetheless.

Merry merry Christmas to you, my friend!!
(I REALLY wanted to mail you a lumen print as a Christmas gift. :p)

nicrap said...

A very happy Christmas to both of you! :D

Thersites said...

Merry Christmas to you BOTH! I just woke up and came downstairs to set a spell before the tree and reflect a bit. This is my favorite part of the holiday. The pre-ritual ritual that I do for myself. And there's nothing on Earth as good as that very first sip of coffee! ;)

nicrap said...

I myself am a tea drinker ... but I know what you mean. :)

So what was the spell? JEn won't grow horns, right? ;)

Thersites said...

No, a fixed duration, not an an encantation... lol!

Jen said...

Grow them? They've always been there. I hide them under my halo. ;-)

nicrap said...

Americans! ;)

What would you suggest I say to a cousin of mine who has started smoking pot? (FYI, he got into an accident recently while driving under influence. His parents are very worried.)

Thersites said...

I'd say, "all things in moderation" and "Don't drive under the influence. Either have a designated driver, or call a taxi."

I know, I'm the post-modern "permissive" totalitarian father, not the "authoritarian" one. Sorry, a product of my Age.

nicrap said...

Nah, right about the same I was thinking of saying myself. But the thing carries such a stigma here that there is only so much I can say to his parents ... they will never accept that their son smokes pot, even if only in moderation.

Thersites said...

I wouldn't say the same thing to his parents... ;)

I'm a hypocrite, not a saint. ;p

Thersites said...

Just shoot your cousin one of these, when to talking to them...


nicrap said...

hehe. Hypocrite! ;)

Thersites said...

You could tell them how very fortunate they are to have learned of many of their sons "vices" and now have the ammunition needed to berate him mercilessly for years on end...

The power to reduce another to insignificance with a word. May the "force" be with them! ;)

Thersites said...

Do not underestimate the power of the Social-Symbolic (Force)!

Thersites said...

It's castrating effects are well knowm.

Thersites said...


Thersites said...

fyi - In the above video, Laibach is preparing for a trp to North Korea to perform...

Jen said...

I'd introduce him to my uncle, the classic over-educated drug-addict-alcoholic. He has a Masters in American Literature, started smoking pot at 13, then came acid, mushrooms, cocaine, and I'm sure meth and heroin are in the mix, too. Moderation doesn't work for all things, or all people.

My thinking is this: If you have to medicate yourself to deal with life, you need to figure out what you're avoiding. Deal with it, and live life on life's terms. I know we all medicate with one thing or another, but illegal drugs can lead to a black hole of nothingness.

nicrap said...

It has the potential of becoming a small "scandal" here ... maybe what all of us (his family, and the rest of us, with our conventional ideas of a good life and notions of happiness) exactly need.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Us Americans had a lot of trouble dealing with non-traditional family situations in the sixties/seventies. Now we have a lot of trouble dealing with non-'Authentic' selections (traditional/conservative choices) being mocked, and over-the-top famboyance being more the norm. I kinda prefer the more traditional lifestyle appreciations, like your auntie/uncles.

But then, I get to attend my son's gay-wedding this coming March, so you can probably guess that I'm a bit 'jaded'.

Thersites said...

"My peers, lately, have found companionship through means of intoxication - it makes them sociable. I, however, cannot force myself to use drugs to cheat on my loneliness - it is all that I have - and when the drugs and alcohol dissipate, will be all that my peers have as well." - Franz Kafka

nicrap said...

Have you yet read "Fathers and Sons" by Turgenev, Fj?

nicrap said...

...and my heartiest congratulations, my friend! (despite your lack of enthusiasm.) Hope you will behave yourself at the wedding. ;) :)

nicrap said...

So I finally met him today. We chatted for long but mostly about other things ... except when I told him, if he remembers how I used to smoke, and may have done so in front of him, too; but had given up now, or almost. He said, aunt (my mom) has already told him that, and that he is trying to do the same. That's it.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Have you yet read "Fathers and Sons" by Turgenev, Fj?

I suppose I'll have to, now. ;)

nicrap said...

heh. :)