Friday, September 11, 2015

9/11: Bewitched with Melancholia


Jen said...

I find myself with a lot of hatred. I don't know what to do with it. Hatred and red hot anger.
We're called to forgive, but it feels nearly impossible.

I thought the anger would fade with time, but I think it's growing.

I wonder if I can forgive and not live in fear? I want to forgive, not because the other asked, but because to live with hatred and anger only hurts me.

...just sharing my thoughts, fj.

Joe Conservative said...

Are you familiar with the concept of the purloined letter (ie - Kafka)? It couldn't hurt.

Jen said...

Yes, done it before, and it definitely helped.

I hope you're well, fj.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

I'm doing okay... but seem to be running out of mojo. Inspiration is becoming ever harder to come by, and the rut seems to get ever deeper. :(

Jen said...

I'm so sorry to hear that.

Can you try to just "be"? When I find that my wheels are spinning, I try to focus my energy on being still. It's the hardest thing to do, as it's easier to be distracted.

This matter of inspiration...I think it can be a trap. The harder we look, the more elusive it is. I hope you can find beauty in the most ordinary things around you.

Thersites said...

You're right, I probably am looking too hard... I'll let my dasein come to me, instead of chasing after it. Thanks.

Jen said...


Now if I could only follow my own advice...
