Saturday, June 7, 2014

The Solfeggio Frequencies (741Hz)

from Wikipedia
The title (46&2) references an idea first conceived by Carl Jung and later expounded upon by Drunvalo Melchizedek concerning the possibility of reaching a state of evolution at which the body would have two more than the normal 46 total chromosomes and leave a currently disharmonious state. The premise is that humans would deviate from the current state of human DNA which contains 44 autosomes and 2 sex chromosomes. The next step of evolution would likely result in human DNA being reorganized into 46 and 2 chromosomes, according to Melchizedek.

Furthermore, the song references a wish to experience change through the "shadow"; an idea which represents the parts of one's identity that one hates, fears, and represses, this exists as a recurring theme in the work of Carl Jung.

The song is mostly in 4/4 time with some sections of 7/8 in between. In the intro, Danny Carey plays 4 measures of 7/8 on his ride cymbal over the rest of the band playing in 4/4, and they all meet up on the downbeat of the 5th measure in 4/4. During the bridge there are 3 measures of 7/8 followed by one measure of 4/4. During a particular quad fill, the drums are in 3/8, the guitar plays one measure of 9/8 followed by one in 5/8 all while the bass keeps time in 7/8.


Jen said...

Hmmm....makes me wonder where / how do we draw the line between science and art? Or maybe science and science fiction? I guess the line is different for everyone...

Thersites said...

I suspect it depends upon which side of the brain you're living on, in the moment. ;)