Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Sometimes Ya Jes' Gotta DANCE!

I sometimes forget
that I was created for Joy.
My mind is too busy.
My Heart is too heavy
for me to remember
that I have been
called to dance
the Sacred dance of life.
I was created to smile
To Love
To be lifted up
And to lift others up.
O’ Sacred One
Untangle my feet
from all that ensnares.
Free my soul.
That we might
and that our dancing
might be contagious.


Jen said...

I'm officially claiming this post as "Jen's post".. two of my favorite groups/ musicians and one of my favorite poems. I really want to be free of sprint but why is it so difficult? Sometimes I don't think I'm made for this world.
Anyway, beautiful post, my friend.

Joe Conservative said...

Thanks! I'll now add your name to my Dance card!

Jen said...

I've never seen a dance card before but would love to attend a ball and dance a quadrille.

Joe Conservative said...


It's a shame that dancing and dating has become so informal. Some of the older traditions proved very useful... but now we have MGTOWs and Incels... :(