Monday, June 17, 2024

Che Vuoi? What does the Other want from Me?

On Sincerity in the Age of Sincerity: Me, being what the Other expects me to be, and me genuinely accepting that identity for myself.  

In an Age of Authenticity, THAT (Sincerity) is "atavism", In an Age of Authenticity, I'm now being an Identity that I choose and want to be, irregardless of the Other's wishes, and practicing "sincerity" only in my close family relationships. 

And in our current Age of Profilicity, YOU must recognize MY curated Identity concept of my own Authenticity, and validate my curated Profile.  And I will genuinely pretend that an approving "General Peer" is my family.   And I try and see myself as being unquestioningly loved and accepted by them, Walter Mitty-esque like.



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