Sunday, December 24, 2023

Wine Anyone?


Jen said...

Merry Christmas FJ! I hope you had a nice glass of white wine with family. I actually took a bottle of Italian prosecco to put family gathering this year!
P.s. Tim Minchin is one of my favs.

Jen said...

*our family gathering

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!

We mostly did non-alcoholic white wine again this year. My daughter hosted, again. It was nice, but we were all getting over colds/flu. Maybe next year we'll all be healthier.

Tim is a fave of mine, too!

Best wishes to you you and yours!

Jen said...

How are you feeling, FJ? I hope all is well.

Thersites said...

I'm good!

The wife is still battling all her medication "side effects", but she isn't doing too badly. She fell a couple of weeks ago, burst a vein, and had to be taken to the ER, but they stopped the bleeding and she was able to come home the same day. Falling is definitely her greatest threat... she walks with a cane most of the time, and is unsteady on her feet.

My son came down with Covid... and since he visited us last week, we're on pins and needles to see if we catch it. But so far, no symptoms.

Hope all's good with you and yours! It's sure is getting cold, isn't it? It's going down into the teens tonight... br-r-r-r-r-r-r! And now for some Jewish whine... "I wanna go to Florida"!

Jen said...

Jewish whine... Lol

I hate to hear that your wife fell and is unsteady on her feet. I don't know if she would consider it, but there are physical therapists that specialize in balance and reducing the risk of falls.

I hope y'all don't come down with COVID. I'm sick right now but tested negative. The last 2 colds I've had have been worse than my one bout with COVID.

The kids are back to school for the spring semester and it seems like this time of year is such a slog to get through. We got down into the single digits this last weekend and I'm over it.
I have started watching Call the Midwife again and it's such a lovely show.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Well, no Covid... as it'll be a week since my son visited and neither of us even feel the urge to "test". We got into single digits last night... and the 3 inches of snow on the ground from Monday will likely stay there for another week, at least.

I haven't seen "Call the Midwife"... sounds like a show that my wife would enjoy. She always wanted to be a "nurse midwife"... and of course all our kids were delivered back in the 80's by midwives... so I got to cut a few "cords" myself. I suppose THAT makes me responsible for them... ;)

I'm sure that Medicare covers treatment of most of the wife's side-effects, but I leave it to her to manage (as an RN, she does all the family medical stuff...).

Well, I hope you get to feeling better soon. I had the flu for about a week before Christmas... and it seemed like a LONG time, but I hadn't been sick, at least not for several years, before that. I hope that's not a trend for the future... like "long covid". Maybe our immune systems are simply breaking down from lack of practice/ challenges. We all seem to live in sanitary bubbles these days.

Have a great week!