Perhaps this is why certain people prefer film and/or photography. How the Super-ego-recessive right brain hemisphere interprets the world (by sight, induction and intuition) and the ego-dominant Left (by sound, deduction and logic). And dreams are the result of an "other-centric" brain hemisphere's Super-Ego explaining to its' dominant but visually-impaired counterpart the pertinent events of the day as it gets transferred from temporary storage into permanent memory (REM sleep). During the Day, My ego is in charge and converses with the right-hemisphere's counterpart Ego-ideal. But at night, the Super-Ego become dominant and converses with the unconscious Ego's (and Ids) true desires, and entertains them. Day/night, the Id demands... an offers up the dominant need... hunger... thirst... the most pressing pain requiring attention (sexual relief) or alleviation du jour.
This is my big problem. I'm too self-conscious. I can't get out of the way of my own images. My words get in their way. I should express myself in images, not words. It's why I fear public speaking and sometimes say things that make no sense. The in-the-moment interpretation does not correspond with the imagination.
Childhood is special. Your mind has not analyzed all the images. It had no language with which to do so. And as it recalls, the raw image come back, not some erroneous hyper-real "analysis" of them. Imagination replaced interpretation. Education robs children of their imaginations, because it replaces imaginations with interpretations (from the hyper-reality of the 'other'). You become trapped in the nightmare of their desires, of che vuoi)