Monday, October 17, 2022

Divine Perfection? Not Egg-zactly!

“Gala and I incarnate the sublime myth of the Dioscuri, hatched from one of Leda’s two divine eggs”

-Salvador Dali 

Is it Easter yet?
“Madonna and Child with Saints, Angels and Federico da Montefeltro” (San Bernardino Altarpiece), Piero della Francesca (1472–1474)

1 comment:

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

You're right, there probably is no lock/key/door, but there may be something that was "abjected" into a room nearby, and it's probably "symbolized" in the recurring parts of your thoughts (having been transformed in the dream-state memory transfer).

I have a friend of many years who suffers from PTSD and is on full disability from it, and agent orange exposure (he also gets "lazy-leg" when he sleeps). He served in the USAF on a base in Thailand during the Vietnam War, intercepting and decoding Viet Cong radio signals with a unit that was attached to NSA. He often tells me stories of his experiences, especially if we're with a group of other veterans from Perry Point VA hospital that he teaches martial arts to. There are a few stories that I've heard him tell, over and over, but to me, they don't seem all that terrible and I cannot understand his fixation on them. One is of an extremely long boa constrictor that had been crossing a dirt road between two rice paddies and had one end in one paddy, and the other end in another. He ran over it with his jeep. Another is of a young Thai prostitute that he had been friendly with, who on a walk to a bar, reached into a part of the street-sewer and pulled out a beetle, took of a part of the beetle's shell, and then slurped it down.

Again, these stories don't seem to terrible to me... but I suspect that they're proxies for something much more disturbing. I haven't decoded the symbolism yet, but remain hopeful that one day I'll say something stupid, he'll connect it to the underlying traumatic event, and perhaps alleviate some of his symptoms (like the lazy-leg).

The "key" (if there is one) to me seems to lie in how the Freudian dream-work symbolism embedded the events into long-term memory the night after they occurred.