Sunday, July 26, 2020

The Worst Thing to Ever Happen to Photography


nicrap said...

Sorry fj. I missed the 'tip' below. But i have been trying to post comment for the last few days, but blogger wouldn't allow it.
How are you? I just finished a story a few days ago. Have to type it still. Will send you once done.
I recently ordered several books. Camus's The Plague and The Stranger. Pinnochio by Collodi. Haroun and the Sea of Stories by Rushdie. Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Marquez. Dead Souls by Gogol. Marquez and Rushdie were big disappointments

The Absolute Marxist said...

I'm doing well... working from home, still. Glad to hear that youre still reading and writing... wish I could find the mental fortitude to attempt either. I suppose Im too distracted by work at present. Id really like to clear my head and take in some Gogol or Camus.... or a short original piece of yours. Ill keep an eye on my mailbox! Thanks for the heads up!

Jen said...

APS film is awful, nearly as bad as 110 format film.
Kodak screwed that one up so bad, and what a moronic idea to think that enough labs could afford the ridiculously expensive developing equipment.

I've not shot 35 mm in over a year, I'm shooting instant mostly, and recently bought a circa 1919 5"x7" camera! Alas, I haven't the mental and physical energy to get out and use it. blah.