Sunday, May 24, 2020

Going Hyper'


nicrap said...

Interest you in a story, fj? I have sent it to your hot mail account. It's nothing much, but hopefully you will like it. Ta.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

I just read it. Very nice, and very topical.

It did leave me wanting to learn the tipler's secret for obtaining his lifesblood, for the fate of the migrant's, and the gentlemen/ ladies of leisure.

I know that I, for one, experienced the entire season of Spring... the blossoming of each bush in my garden, and for that, was thankful.

But I do have to wonder... at what cost has this time-out been bought? We get daily statistics as to the death count from virus, but none from suicide. None from the despair of bourgeois hair dresser and shop owner who could not pay his mortgage this month do to the absence of business.

Yes I, the employee of a government agency continue to draw my salary... but who's tax supports it? the beneficent shop owner, now ruined?

It's a dirty business, this pandemic.

I wish it gone!

Joe Conservative said...


nicrap said...


Thanks, fj! I could perhaps do a better job, but nyway.

Frankly, i wish the lock down gone first, for more than the pandemic this has become our main problem here. You are right to point out the travails of the bourgeois hair dresser and shop owner, but we have here a class much lower in the income strata, their situation much more precarious, the daily wage earners. The lock down has made it much, much worse!

So yes, even i wish it gone!

Joe Conservative said...

I have no doubt that the poorest suffer the most.

...and we could all, perhaps, do a better job. Next time, maybe. ;)

nicrap said...

Yes, maybe. Haha.