Friday, July 26, 2019

Balloons of Doubt...


Jen said...

That kid is good! I don't really like rap, but sometimes it's spot on for the message.
He reminds me of the lead singer for Twenty One Pilots.

Jen said...

How are you lately?

Thersites said...

I do like his perfect verbal percussion...

I'm doing well! I saw that you were in Boston and Maine! Hope you had a good trip! I'm going to PA next weekend for a Memorial Service/ Ash dispersion for my Dad, who died last year in HI. I'll get a chance to catch up with all my siblings from around the country (Alaska/California/PA). It should be fun, since most of the grief was in the past. All my kids will be there, too. We don't get away much, so I'm looking forward to it.

Other than that, it's the same-old-same-oh... ;)

Thersites said...

I was thinking of you and Nicrap the other day whilst watching this (no endorsement of the channel, just the movie) on the influence of stories and storytellers. I can't believe I missed that one...

Thersites said...

btw - (spoiler alert) Stunt men never "fall," they jump!

Thersites said...


Jen said...

That movie looks excellent! I got about 3 minutes into the video and stopped it...I want to watch the whole movie. You seem to find the best videos...

Maine and Boston were both wonderful. I've only been up that way twice before, and now I can't wait to go back! It was so good for my soul to get a change of scenery, and Maine was about as different as it gets from my everyday life. I was surprised how affordable housing was, but then again I might understand more after spending a full winter up there. :p

Glad to hear you're doing well and getting to see your whole clan soon. I hope all goes well and you have safe travels.

Thersites said...

Thanks! :)