Thursday, February 14, 2019

Valentine's Day


Jen said...


It's so strange to watch his most recent videos. His voice was different in his later years and I'm still not used to it.

p.s. I saw your post on Letters with a video of St. Vincent. She was born and raised in Dallas. Everyone in my house adores her music...except me. :P

Joe Conservative said...

St. Vincent us what I would consider a more 'avante garde' artist... and she deals with concepts that are, IMO, worth thinking about ie- mass seduction (advertising), Agelessness, etc., which I why I post her stuff. It's not half bad... but she does get a lot of views purely on her "looks". Video certainly killed the radio star.

Bowie was always on the leading edge, IMO... even when he got older. I can't get enough.