Sunday, January 6, 2019

Insanity... doing the same thing, over and over, expecting a different result.


Jen said...

Por que?

Thersites said...

Just going loco, I suppose... :(

Jen said...

What's going on? I'm feeling it here too... But in a more depressed fashion.

Jen said...


-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

I've been on leave since Christmas with the Shutdown... but have done absolutely nothing with the down time. I should have read some books or done something stimulating, but I've done nothing but vegetate and nurse my knee's. They're coming back, only pain in one now, but I'm still in a funk. I watched a video and saw my future...

Depressing, I know.

But it's mid-winter. The lack of light always depresses me (peaking on April Fool's Day.

Jen said...

you know, i've been thinking about you with the shutdown, thinking it must be frustrating to have that time off, but not be able to make definitive plans because you don't know when it will end. that stinks.

what's going on with your knees? a recent injury? i hope not.

dang, that video was so honest. i really believe that part of my ongoing existential crisis has to do with my job...and the fact that every day, day after day, i see people in this stage of life, feeling frustrated and lonely. and it leaves me with an inaccurate view of life.

what's that old saying...about how dwelling in the future makes us anxious, dwelling in the past makes us depressed, so best to stay in the present? (sorry if that's preachy..)

i feel it too, sometimes. then i realize that the time i spend worrying about these things could be better spent making memories with family and friends. it takes energy to be a "do-er", and sometimes i just don't have it.

here....I'm sending you some sunshine from Texas. Close your eyes and imagine a warm sunny day, you're sitting on the beach, watching the waves come in. you're feeling perfectly warm and content in every possible way. you doze off in a haze of good smells, good sounds, and warm sunshine...and when you wake up, you repeat as needed. ;-)

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

dwelling in the future makes us anxious, dwelling in the past makes us depressed Between Charybdis and Scylla... sail on Odysseus!

As for weather, we've got a snowstorm heading in tonight... expecting between 3 and 24 inches, depending upon where the "low" hangs... so if you don't mind, I'll hand on to your warm TX weather vibe until it passes. I'm gonna need something to get through it. ;)

Jen said...

Be my guest!

so, we continue on our movie kick lately. last night we saw The Mule with Clint Eastwood. He's as good as ever!
I recommend it.

also saw Mary Queen of Scots before Christmas, and it was very good.

i'm reading the same book i've been reading for two months, it just seems to take last place when i get a minute...

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Thanks. I'm using it now... :)

Jen said...

how much snow did you get?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Only 4 inches... but it's been FREEZING!!!

Jen said...

Yikes. If we got four inches of snow here, all of North Texas would come to a screeching halt. Actually we would come to a sliding, crashing halt! Lol

Turn that electric blanket up to "High" and stay warm!!

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...
