Sunday, May 29, 2016
Friday, May 27, 2016
Following my Heart...
Runita R Menezes, "Just follow your heart"Just follow your heart,
And follow your dreams,
Don't be afraid to re-start,
Even though it means going down stream.
Often advisors may say
Do this or take on that
But its best when you follow your own way,
By doing just what your good at.
Since, to realise what you want,
Is an impossible feat
But emptiness continues to haunt,
Until you choose that which makes you complete.
In time the right path will be revealed
And you will begin to understand your part.
But you've got to have the courage to believe,
And continue to, ' Follow your Heart'
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Bad Laws
It's a bad, bad law, Geronimo
Friday, May 6, 2016
Thursday, May 5, 2016
Sunday, May 1, 2016
Texture in Film
"No other art form is able to fix time as cinema does. Therefore, what is cinema? It's a mosaic made with time."- Andrei Tarkovsky
On the Banks of the Schuylkill...

In "Eddis's Letters from America," dated Annapolis, Maryland, December 24, 1771, he writes, "The Americans on this part of the continent have likewise a Saint, whose history like those of the above venerable characters [St. George, St. Patrick, St. Andrew, and St. David] is lost in fable and uncertainty. The first of May is however, set apart to the memory of Saint Tamina on which occasion the natives wear a piece of buck's tail in their hats or in some conspicuous situation. During the course of the evening and generally in the midst of the dance, the company are interrupted by the sudden intrusion of a number of persons habited like Indians, who rush violently into the room, singing the war song, giving the whoop and dancing in the style of those people; after which ceremony a collection is made and they retire well satisfied with their reception and entertainment."
A later writer adds, "This custom of celebrating the day was continued down within the recollection of many of the present inhabitants of this city [Annapolis, 1841] ." We have noted this celebration here to show that the fame of Tamanend had traveled from the neighboring Province of Pennsylvania, where he had long been celebrated on account of his services to and friendship for the early settlers, and also to call attention to the custom of those taking part in the affair to decorate themselves with buck tails or buck skins, for the reason that a little later the followers of Tamanend and those subscribing to their ideas were designated in the public prints as "Buck Skins." The first meeting of the Society is recorded in an issue of the Pennsylvania Chronicle, dated May 4, 1772. "On Friday, the first instant, a number of Americans, Sons of King Tammany, met at the house of Mr. James Byrn, (Located on the west side of Tenth Street between Mulberry (Arch) and Sassafras (Race), Deed Book I, p. 36.) to celebrate the memory of that truly noble Chieftain whose friendship was most affectionately manifested to the worthy founder, and first settlers of this Province. After dinner the circulating glass was crowned with wishes loyal and patriotic and the day concluded with much cheerfulness and harmony. It is hoped from this small beginning a society may be formed of great utility to the distressed, as this meeting was more for the purpose of promoting charity and benevolence than mirth and festivity." The following toasts were drunk on this occasion:1. The King and Royal Family (George III. of England).The company started off with the regulation toasts of the day, and it was only when they reached the eighth toast that their real feelings show themselves; the ninth was stronger in its sentiment, the tenth rings out; quite vigorously for America's rights, but the toast-master evidently thought that it was now time to tone down the enthusiasm, so the eleventh toast sounds well but is perfectly harmless. Then follows a series of toasts to provincial dignitaries until we reach the twentieth, when the real sentiment of those participating crops out in the toast to the Pennsylvania farmer whose letters were then challenging the attention of the world.
2. The Proprietors of Pennsylvania (Thomas Penn and John Penn, son of Richard).
3. The Governor of Pennsylvania (Richard Penn, Lieutenant-Governor son of Richard Penn).
4. Prosperity of Pennsylvania.
5. The Navy and Army of Great Britain.
6. The pious and immortal memory of King Tammany.
7. Speedy relief to the injured Queen of Denmark (Caroline Matilda, sister of George III. of England, and wife of Christian VII. of Denmark).
8. Unanimity between Great Britain and her Colonies.
9. Speedy repeal of all oppressive and unconstitutional acts.
10. May the Americans surely understand and faithfully defend their constitutional rights.
11. More spirit to the Councils of Great Britain.
12. The great philosopher, Dr. Franklin.
13. His Excellency, Governor Franklin, and prosperity to the Province of New Jersey.
14. His Excellency, Governor Tryon, and prosperity to the Province of New York.
15. The Honorable James Hamilton, Esq., late Governor of Pennsylvania.
16. The Chief-Justice of Pennsylvania (Honorable William Allen, vice Kinsey, deceased, 1750 to 1774).
17. The Speaker of the Honorable House of Assembly of Pennsylvania (Joseph Galloway).
18. The Recorder of the City of Philadelphia (William Parr, vice Chew, resigned).
19. The pious and immortal memory of General Wolfe.
20. The Pennsylvania farmer (John Dickinson).
21. May the Sons of King Tammany, St. George, St. Andrew, St. Patrick, and St. David love each other as brethren of one common ancestor, and unite in their hearty endeavors to preserve the native Constitutional American Liberties.
In the last toast is the call to unite all parties in a common cause to defend the rights of America against oppression.

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