Tuesday, November 5, 2013

What's Your Hemispheric Dominant Functional Specialty? The Overall Whole? Or the Detailed Part?

He has blue eyes
She has brown.
He lives in the country
She lives in town.
He runs
She walks.
He listens
She talks.
He is flighty
She is faithful.
He likes coffee
She likes tea.
He likes you...

But not me.
-Ellen Ryder, "Opposites"

Left - Audition; Right - Vision
Now "share" your dominant results... across the corpus callosum... or NOT!


Jen said...

Very much right brain. But when I watch the dancing figure (left vs right), I can see both directions.

All of this is very interesting to me, especially since I had major eye surgery as a little girl.

Jen said...

But then it probably wouldn't affect visual processing...

Thersites said...

Which eye? The right hemisphere processes raw left eye data and then subtracts and processes out the raw right eye data "visual" sensory data received "across the corpus callosum" from the left hemisphere. The right brain is then dominant for continued metaprocessing of visual data against cortically stored shape/symbolic engrams into a greater/accumulative visual symbolic metadata processing chain (including constructing relative maps in 3D space), while the left hemisphere is trapped using/meta-processing the "word" obtained from "engrams" associated with the visuals into larger meta-word processing chains (sentences, etc.) as part of the once soley "auditory" (sound) engram chains. The auditory circuits do have a "short circuit" (more primitive sensor processing) path to the eye's "involuntary" motor neurons, as sounds are pre-processed "as sounds" and used to "cue" the location of the sound to the "eyes" (using corresponding and correlated sound-induced location maps in 3-D space) via the reptilian Thalmical cortex layers

Thersites said...

btw - Have you ever heard of the experiments done with sighted people who are blindfolded and taught to read braille compared to blind people? Blind people will "permanently" store the data in the (now un-used) occipital visual cortex, whereas sighted people will permanently store the data in the hippocampus, where most "habitually learned" motor memories are stored.

In other words, the temporary loss of sight could have re-purposed some occipital cortical neurons and (if long enough duration) built myelinated pathways across the corpus callosum.

Thersites said...

Here's an "auditory" system map, and here's a "visual" system map. It's important to note that both systems send data through the more "primitive" Thalamic areas of the brain before being processed in the more recently evolved "cortical" areas. This accounts for the "involuntary" sensor cueing short-circuits.

Jen said...

Both eyes. I was temporarily blind for a short period after surgery. Two weeks, maybe?

I remember it very clearly.

Thersites said...

probably not long enough for permanent myelination. :(

Jen said...

My eyes do not converge on an object, and I can tell which eye I am using at all times. So, technically I should have no depth perception, which would make it impossible to drive. My brain compensates, however.

Eye exams are a pain, though. Literally, my eyes hurt when they test for double-vision because I am unable to converge on the letters.

Remember the scene when Alice drinks the potion and grows? That's exactly what the room looked like when they took the bandages off my eyes.

Thersites said...

Depth perception is a right-brain visual-dominance function. It's likely being performed, but your awareness of it is not crossing the corpus callosum. It has become much like a "blindsight" accomplished through the more primitive "cortical-Thalamic" areas of the brain.

Jen said...

Possibly. Eye exams are exhausting, because I have to explain what I see, not just simple yes or no. My sight isn't bad, but it isn't technically normal.

Since my eyes don't converge on a single point, certain tests are useless. (Double-vision, for example) If I "relax" my eyes, I have double-vision all the time.
Also, I cannot "see through" those 3D puzzles.


Jen said...

And I think I might have selective prosopagnosia. I introduced myself to my neighbor of ten years. Ha! We obviously aren't close...