Saturday, December 28, 2024

A/D Converters

"Analogue photography authenticates the 𝘣𝘦π˜ͺ𝘯𝘨 of what 𝘡𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 π˜ͺ𝘴. For the viewer, it bears witness to the 'this-has-been.' It shows us what is 𝘧𝘒𝘀𝘡𝘢𝘒𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘡𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦. This-has-been, or such-a-thing-existed, is the 𝘡𝘳𝘢𝘡𝘩 𝘰𝘧 𝘱𝘩𝘰𝘡𝘰𝘨𝘳𝘒𝘱𝘩𝘺. Digital photography destroys 𝘧𝘒𝘀𝘡π˜ͺ𝘀π˜ͺ𝘡𝘺 𝘒𝘴 𝘡𝘳𝘢𝘡𝘩. By eliminating reality as the referent, it 𝘱𝘳𝘰π˜₯𝘢𝘀𝘦𝘴 a new reality that does 𝘯𝘰𝘡 𝘦𝘹π˜ͺ𝘴𝘡."

-Byung-Chul Han 


Jen said...

Interesting perspective. Ducky used to say that all photography is a lie. Just by using a format that crops out some of the scene, we're presenting an edited version of the truth. He was right. I tend to crop most cars, power lines, and even people from my photos.

Joe Conservative said...

Just like Facebook... where you 'curate' your profile and construct "the perfect/ idyllic life" for friends/ family. Where 2nd order observation supercedes the 1st order.

Thersites said...

...if only we were all strong enough to see-through the uncurated aspects, and withhold/ reserve judgement until all the facts were in.

Thersites said...

Or even better yet, not care what they (others) think and ignore the 2nd order perspective altogether. ;0

Thersites said...

...but then again, THAT would be like living in a house without any wallboards... where all the plumbing and electrical wiring were 'exposed' to view, and the sh*t didn't just magically disappear down the toilet.

Naaah. I like a little 'romantic illusion'. I'm like the father/ Bill Bob Thorton character in "Landman", who tells his daughter to lie to him rather than tell the truth about what she and her boyfriends are doing.

Thersites said...

There used to be some great Yanitsaros YouTubes advising Greek women to create 'beauty' in their homes for their husbands. There was a lot of truth in them...

Thersites said...

...Crop/ curate away!

Joe Conservative said...

Not all the props are meant to be stored on stage, they'd likely confuse the audience That's why they're kept obskene off-stage. We don't all want to live in Dogville!

Joe Conservative said...


Jen said...

I have never compared how I crop and edit my photos to ppl on Facebook curating their profile. Quite accurate though. Yes, if only we could be strong enough to look at reality head on.

Thersites said... in your former "nightstand" photography project. ;)

...of the "intimate" un-curated behind-the-scenes (ob skene) scene.

Thersites said...

...which reveals the 2nd layer of one's 3 lives and begins entry to the first layer of the KLT onion, but does not necessarily penetrate to the 3rd (secret life trust level).

That is the level which people usually have to kill for... and which a spy (like Gyges) aspires access to.

Thersites said...

Most of the things in a person's 3rd/secret level are too shameful to openly share with anyone. For they make one subject to the coercive force C' of RICE...

Thersites said...

...and yeah, I've been watching too many Andrew Bustamante videos.

Thersites said...

A truly "Open Society" just isn't sustainable. It needs shadows.... in which to sweep the piles of dirt.