Wednesday, July 31, 2024

The Ones who Walk Away from Omelas

The time may be coming.


Jen said...

It does feel as though the world is having labor pains. Getting ready for big changes, possibly.

Joe Conservative said...

I agree, changes are coming. I'm hoping that means a ruralization... getting back to the "peasant life" of the Middle Ages, but without the labouring that went along with it.

okay, maybe some vegetable gardens... but not ploughing acres of fields... ;)

Jen said...

I used to daydream about having chickens and a big garden, then I got over it. My grandmother grew all of their fruits and veggies, got eggs and milk from their animals, and sewed their clothes, too! All while raising 6 kids! I'm doing good to pick up groceries and cook a couple times a week.

Thersites said...

That was my Aunt Mable... but then she only had one son, my cousin Alan. I just thought of a great new post...