...with the fantasies stemming from jouissance by day.... and later dreams infused into my memory by Eros' arrows whilst I sleep. My new point de capiton.
Illusion of a Fixed Meaning
The point de capiton is thus the point in the signifying chain at which "the signifier stops the otherwise endless movement of the signification" and produces the necessary illusion of a fixed meaning.[5]
Diachronic and Synchronic Dimension
Since the signifying chain has both a diachronic and a synchronic dimension, so also does the point de capiton:
Diachronic Dimension
The elementary cell
The diachronic dimension of the point de capiton lies in the fact that communication is always a retroactive effect of punctuation. It is only when the sentence is completed that the sense of the first words is determined retroactively. This function is illustrated in the elementary cell of the graph of desire, in which the point de capiton is the leftmost point of intersection between the vector S - S' and the vector.
Synchronic Dimension
The synchronic aspect is metaphor, by which the signifier crosses the bar into the signified.
"The synchronic structure (of the point de capiton) is more hidden, and it is this structure that takes us to the source. It is metaphor."[6]
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